The Comedy Central "Flame Dennis Leary"

Seemed like some of the people roasting dennis were actually trying to do a stand-up routine rather than actual roast him.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: Jim Breuer is a fucking retard

they should've ended it on leary's quinn / cantone picture

breuer needs to be fucking shot in the head
there were a couple stand up yeah I was some stand up act for some semi un-named
tough crowd is really hit or miss

sometimes it's the funniest shit i've ever heard

but 1 person can ruin the entire show

like ellen cleghorn

or colin quinn if he talks too much
like I said there were a few good ones..some were obvious that they were there for their own spotlight..those sucked
MADness said:
breuer usually rocks.

BTW, am I the only one who really likes Colin Quinn's Tough Crowd?

i saw this for the first time only a few days ago and really liked it...seen a few more episodes and they were all very good
Funny quip about Elizabeth Hurley's escort.

I assume that he is that super rich boyfriend she has had the last year or two?
Edofnor said:
It should have just been Denis Leary standup. Instant comedy gold.
Ugh, have you seen his stand up? 'Hey I know, Ill act stressed out and raise my voice alot seemingly at random. Yeah, that'll be funny.'
CapnPyro said:
woulda been 100x better if sarah silverman were there
thats that good looking chick thats sometimes on colin's show right? if so i wanna fuck her so bad ... she is askin for it.