If you could add something outlandish to the sport of football...

Ben Reed

Veteran X
...what would it be? Swords? Hookers? Switch the pigskin with a time bomb?

Inquiring minds (namely, mine) want to know...or, at least, to have a decent-sized thread generated as a result of your inane replies.

(I'm talking about American football, naturally.)
Dance flags can be thrown by refs. Similar to a timeout, but different in that the players have to dance.
id add wwf style plays

retarded teams

retardeder refs

hot cheerleaders/strippers

and id call it the XFL
points awareded to team by the severity of injuries it inflicts on the other player.


1 pt concusion
2 pts broken bone
10 points death etc
15 points dead camera man on side line
if i hadnt been so rudely interupted, last night i would have posted:

they should get rid of the pads and the uniforms, and have the players dress up like whatever person, animal, or thing they has as mascot

i mean, that would have meant that last nights games would have consisten of a bunch of pirates beating the shit out of eachother... eye patches, hookhands, swords, peg legs, etc (maybe even real ones)... and instead of this "down set hut hut" we would have "ARGH MATEY TOSS IT"

it would be a swashbucklingly good time
Battle-Bots esque circular saws popping up at random times somewhere on the field to gut a ball carrier or a blitzing DB :]
spiked ball, necessarily ruffness, no out of bounds, make it every 25yrs a 1st down make it 3 qtrs of 45mins each(minutes added if player is killed or injured)

play it year round
cheerleading squads as spoils for the winning team

instead of kicking FGs with an actual football, the whole team pitches together to throw a midget through the uprights
Play the game in a centripicly rotating cylinder of turf -- in space. Basically a fake gravity enviorment with no oob and infinate sideways running room.