world wide web 30th anniversary...


Veteran XX
wish i could remember my WWW timeline

i remember around 1990 ish taking the bus to the computer store and loading up floppy disks with shareware.

maybe 1991 got 300bpm modem and started playing mutants or tradewars and had lots of local meetups with other nerds and fat girls with glasses from local BBSs

between 1993 and 1997 was just gaining better modems and better ISP and lots of usenet once winamp was released. my friend had a web server and email and shit and was a huge host for shareware similar to tucows and they hosted winamp for a long time.

then tribes. always getting better modems when they came out until dsl !

since then the internet has degraded into possibly the worst invention ever. a global killer.

but i downloaded a 8GB movie at 30Mbits and what.. 10 minutes lol. if it werent for warez and porn the web would still be on modems i think.
I pay 8/month for gigabit fiber

tho in korea I had gigabit for free
downside: they didn't have a fuckin sewer system and the streets reek of shit
in hawaii i had hawaiian telcom gigabit for free w/ tv and hbo/showtime thru the building :meshrug:

times are good boys
I got my first sick cable connection in like 99/2000 and I would fuk ppl up in counterstrike real bad
Used BBSs with a 2400bps modem in the early 90s.. modems upgrading over the years (I remember a 9600 Avtek modem that could amazingly do 12k after a few init string changes!) Didn't really get onto "the internet" until I started Comp Sci at uni in 95, where they had everything there connected in, and a dialup service you could connect into which was heavily firewalled. Fortunately, some friends and I discovered how to use 'slirp' to setup a SLIP session after logging into a cli on the unix boxes where the firewalling wasn't so harsh.

Wound up working tech support for an ISP in 98, moving along from there and forming what eventually became their NOC. Now, I get the wonderfully weird job title of "Subject Matter Expert, IP and Security", and wind up making sure the Indians it's all outsourced to are doing things properly (or, as well as expected, at any rate).

From dialup, I've seen and worked with it as it's gone through with cable, DSL, GPRS and 3,4 and now 5G mobile networks, active and now passive fibre networks as well.

My home connection today is nearly twenty thousand times faster than that first 2400bps modem was... (and I'm still annoyed because it should be at least twice as fast again, if not another ten times faster than that which it technically could be.)

Kind of a mind fuck, really.
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