what are you doing right now

Well, the writing's really good, and since the show's setting is the entirety of space and time, every episode is not only in a brand new environment, but often in an entirely different genre as well.

Mind you, I started with the 9th Doctor, worked my way up to Eleven, and then started watching the originals to get the backstory. Early series are kinda hard to watch though: black and white, live action, silly costumes, bad acting, botched lines, the works. Still, I don't want to miss a single line.

i love british tv whether its the office or sherlock

just have a lot to catch up with

appreciate the reply
i'm not trying to derail the thread

but a good friend of mine swears by downtown abbey as a great show

moving on
skimming through this shitty thread

typing a not so witty reply to said shitty thread

about to press quick reply, gg
i used to dig the old Who but now its just too campy and old to watch

I kinda hated the new Doctor (Matt Smith) at first but the plots have been really good

and Amy is hot
Yeah, Matt Smith used to drive me up the walls at first, but the Amy-Rory-Doctor dynamic really works. Or worked. Also, the Silence is just about the greatest concept ever (tied with the weeping angels).
Yeah, Matt Smith used to drive me up the walls at first, but the Amy-Rory-Doctor dynamic really works. Or worked. Also, the Silence is just about the greatest concept ever (tied with the weeping angels).

yeah, agreed (mostly). new girl looks pretty good too but we'll see...

also, i loved the weeping angels the first time they did it (Blink), but after that it was kinda meh

Sally Sparrow was an awesome random character that i'd love to see as the next companion though
i took some ritalin te help me study

since i got some from this grrrrl

but i found that it just makes me high

just like dexamfetamine

so decided to take 2 more

and drink beer

eating moms chili, drinking brewkettle winter warmer, getting ready to shower and go out to the bar