The American Jew's current predicament, and how it develops. What will he do?

This is a small YouTube Jew weirdo I watch sometimes:

He's an IRL activist, very jewish, yet no mention of recent events, and the most recent video is not even political. When I see this and posts by jews on /r/jewish it really seems like many jews are just shrinking away from leftist activism very suddenly and don't really know what to do with themselves. Some have described it as being politically homeless.

I'm glad my feel unwelcome and alienated.
The left wing has begun making shitty left wing memes about jews.


100% of what Goebbels ever said about jews applies as much today as it did then.

Jews being hounded out of a grocery by the common man! Look at this video. The story is the jew was harassed, walked outside to possibly call yashiva boys, went back in and started filming. The mystery meat man calls the jew out while the mullato cashier looks on. The mixed patrons say nothing. The Kalergi plan backfired.
