Teh update


Sorry for not posting very often. Im at the cord where its popping. Shout out to all the cool peeps at the cord! <3

Things have been going good for me. Guy I am dating bought attic insulation for my house and it has helped keep the place warm. My bf is pretty cool dude. Retired Air Force/Defense Contractor. He treats me properly. My dog is getting old but is doing just fine. My kids are doing good. Daughter is 4 months preggo and son is working and has his own place/car/girl. I am proud of them. Mom is old but still is getting around.

It's a bit lonely, here at my cabin, but the solitude will make me a beast or a god. I am ok with that. Will prob end up moving in with my bf but I am taking it slow with him.

Tribalwar is best war. All the best to you and yours this holiday season.
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that's great

you aren't missing much unless you like to read page after page after page of people arguing about meaningless shit
Spent a week at my boyfriends place. Had a great time. We saw deer and we smoked weed and drank beer/wine. His granddaughter lives with him and she is a nice young lady. His dog is a bit rapey but is a cool doggy.
Happiness is elusive and as long as it does not come at the expense of others there can be no right or wrong.