OK! wtf?!?


Veteran XX
So 80% of the time when I try and start tribes, I click the .exe and it loads up, flashes the main screen for 1 second then takes me back to desktop with the game still on the taskbar loaded.

So I click the taskbar icon and it loads up for 1 second then sends me straight back to desktop.

I end up closing tribes and re-launching a new .exe, and it does it again so I close and repeat the process 15-20 times until it stops taking me back to desktop automatically.

Essentially I am fucking retard that spends 5-7 mins trying to fucking load this piece of shit game every time I want to play it.

fuck this game
seriously this is so fucking stupid, imagine just sitting there launching and closing tribes for 7 minutes of your life.

someone shoot me in the dick please
still trying to launch tribes, and it still takes me back to desktop everytime...

ill update when i get it working, ive tried ~15 times now so it should work soon

edit: right after i posted this I launched tribes and it DID NOT take me back to desktop!!

just thought id let you guys know how stupid i am
this was happening to me a few days ago. couldn't figure out why and then i remembered i overclocked my vid card a few days earlier. backed the settings down a bit and the problem went away.
actually I notice that it only happens when you are using windows vista or 7 and another open window like internet explorer or firefox.