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Amun said:
heh ya i thought this was gonna be about radiohead too :p

btw, that is my fav album of all time :)
i just smash the function keys

something usually happens when i do that

btw, have you tried reinstalling the drivers for the soundcard?
nolt said:
you hit 'f-somethin' when its booting up and it gives you a menu

Everyone's is different--mine's F5

Anyway, assuming this is a pre-XP system, go into safe mode. Right-klik on your "my computer" icon. When the menu pops up select "properties." Then select the last tab which should say "performance."

I believe, if you've screwed yourself into running dos drivers, there should be a message informing you of that in a window. You may also have to push the button marked "file system" on that same tab, but I think it should tell you in the "performance" area.
its probably not the sound card nolt. i've got a brand new sound card and it does the same thing, its coming from insufficent ram or something taxing the processor. shut some stuff down and see if it still happens
i have an old sblive value, been through three systems, never gave me any trouble (well, except for t2, but i dont blame the card)

i did, however, attach a small heatsink to the chip a while back, cuase i noticed it gets little warm.
JuggerNaught said:
nolt, you pay for shipping, i've got a pci512 sitting here i'm not using.

thats very cool of you man, i appreciate it.

i think im gonna just go buy somethin with a digital/optical out for my MD player.

thx tho. :sunny:
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