New Austrian Server

We are starting a new tribes 5v5 LT "Draft" competition in Australia - And whitewhale is gunna donate to the tribes community - a new server.

Would be cool if we could create our own "community" server in Australia. So in saying was wondering if its possible to leech a copy of Community Server-side to use for our server??

Thanks Impalor aka AceOfSpades
We are starting a new tribes 5v5 LT "Draft" competition in Australia - And whitewhale is gunna donate to the tribes community - a new server.

Would be cool if we could create our own "community" server in Australia. So in saying was wondering if its possible to leech a copy of Community Server-side to use for our server??

Thanks Impalor aka AceOfSpades

Well ive got the OK by Maverick - So now I have to get the OK from NoFix - But i can't find him. Sent pvt PMs to here. Anyone get his email?