Mr. Robot Season 2

Finale was weird. I dunno. Show is becoming exhausting - too much build up and no pay off. Keeps creating new questions instead of answering them.
Yeah it's heading into shaggy dog story Lost-style territory now, a finale that doesn't advance anything or say anything of any real note. We all knew there was some big plan or attack on E-Corp, so the actual specifics of the reveal doesn't advance anything really.

Too many crappy Lost-ian easter eggs too that can mean all kinds of things.

The Red Wheelbarrow poem reference by Tyrell can now be used to write off whole chunks of plot as illusionary. While the flyer with the code for the BBQ could have been passed off as a fake flyer sent by Tyrell, it's less like the medical clean suit guy in the elevator would have got a sandwich bag from a fake BBQ. So the whole warehouse scene could now be illusionary, meaning we are now no further in understanding anything.