ISIS finally gets something right

Itt it is wise to see the good in evil. Good thread from kind poster.

Also, what does the US spend on every ISIS soldier oops terrorist being killed?
Wa. $50K
b. $100K
c. $1000K

lol we already have the bombs in inventory, you act like we have to buy each one for each mission.

Use it or lose it, you can thank us later you dirty canucks
Oh rite the bombs are already paid for so they cost nothing. :ugh: dealy derp derp

Canukistan in true client-State form has also followed Israeli desires and is bombing ISIS, probably at similar costs. Freedum isnt free!
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ISIS Beheads Cigarette Smokers: Islamic State Deems Smoking 'Slow Suicide' Under Sharia Law


that hurted my heart ..... :(
lol we already have the bombs in inventory, you act like we have to buy each one for each mission.

Use it or lose it, you can thank us later you dirty canucks

meanwhile from the 2007 era

Iraq War / Pull Out Question by Beren - Page 15 - TribalWar Forums

DealyDerp said:
The only job bush is getting done is the killing of our troops.

DealyDerp said:
If our commander in chief wasn't such a dipshit we would've already fucking left.

DealyDerp said:
I cry at how stupid a human can be when I read your posts. Keep supporting the number one cause of troop deaths in the past 5 years, he still has 555 days in office, thats a LOT more troops.

DealyDerp said:
The blood of every soldier that dies in Iraq is on the hands of our commander in chief, his failures as president are not joyous, they should fill you with as much shame as you get pleasure out of this.

DealyDerp said:
I just want to occupy my gas tank with their liberated oil.

DealyDerp said:
didn't i already tell you? the international bankers and arms manufacturers aren't done profiteering

want to turn a "bush lied people died" faggot into an extremist neocon warmonger?

let them pick their bullshit president

want to turn a tax and spend liberal into a staunch fiscal conservative?

make them pay and contribute towards their own terrible ideas

in the meantime....everything a partisan blowhard like dealy spits is simply regurgitated diatribe pulled straight out of his CiCs sick ass.

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Some seem to like the beatdown and I hope need it but tbh I wish some of these wuld give it up, but then I realize why some keep coming for more

(edit I don't mean the "Bozo" part u guys make gud posts once in a while y rly)

So with ground troops costs per kill should be decreasing, what with the current 7 digit figure being kinda high and all.
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So with ground troops costs per kill should be decreasing, what with the current 7 digit figure being kinda high and all.
depends on how you quantify costs.

ground troops have lower monetary cost per unit but the political cost is much greater.