Imagine being this guy in prison

Well, he's too rich for prison. He'll probably be deemed another 'victim' of affluenza and he will get some house arrest or something in that vein. Super rich don't follow the same laws as the rest of us in a capitalist society.

dammit i hate agreeing with absent
why r ppl so obsessed with prison rape

that is the last thing i want to think about ever and luckily i'm white so i have that luxury
No but being rich as fuck does.

And I have no doubt this kids lawyers will ensure he ends up in a white collar prison.
At least he only has 2 years left, with a right wing congress. Things are looking better but he did a lot of damage and the republicans are being wimps, probably due to the UK Family (Rothschild) brainwashing.

Also, I wonder if the kid was on meds. They make people want to kill others, then themselves. Surprised he didn't turn the gun and finish. Instead, he went for a lame cover up. Kid must be mentally challenged to think he could get away with it.

his ex is a rothschild