How do I brainwash myself to be a leftist?

I thought you were part of my defense team? I’m launching an inquiry into your traitorous ways sev. I thought we were friends :(

Dear Mr. Flash,
Our firm can no longer represent you. In fact, we deny we ever really represented you, and we will state that in a court of law of our choosing as truth. At this moment several of my colleagues and I are being threatened disbarment in most of the states we hold licence in because of our work with you. Your continued disregard for the truth, 'that all deaths in 2020 were the result of covid', has left us no choice but to distance ourselves from your wrong thinking. Please, never call us again.

The Cortado Law Firm
SeVeReD Ass.
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I hear a touch of sarcasm in your post Flash. Are you trying to demean Nmag? Nmag hasn't posted back now for awhile and I feel it's because of the way you've treated him. I suspect you have nazi tendencies that will need to be closely watched. I've got some followers who are right now going over your social posting history and looking for your place of employment. Don't worry Nmag, we are here to protect and support you from white terrorism.

Everytime I have a shower I get transgenerational PTSD. Only playing with my pile of diamonds in the backyard can calm me afterwards.
Dear Mr. Flash,
Our firm can no longer represent you. In fact, we deny we ever really represented you, and we will state that in a court of law of our choosing as truth. At this moment several of my colleagues and I are being threatened disbarment in most of the states we hold licence in because of our work with you. Your continued disregard for the truth, 'that all deaths in 2020 were the result of covid', has left us no choice but to distance ourselves from your wrong thinking. Please, never call us again.

The Cortado Law Firm
SeVeReD Ass.


Fuck it, Imma just hire carl.

Fuck it, Imma just hire carl.

We can't afford to lose any more big corporate clients for the pro-brono we were allegedly doing for you

The FBI has also given us a list of things we've said about you and as long as we sign our families won't have to go on vacation.
Ditching a client, pro bono or not, with no notice and further, representing another TW member, obviously pro bono, against me, is unethical at best and criminal at worst.

I'll have carl send you a letter.
You mean cael? Who works for the Department of Justice now?
That carl?
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I smell a lower class action lawsuit in the works

Law suits




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From what I understand,
the FBI just turned over our expert testimony
(they had us sign in exchange for not smearing our good name with an indictment of our firm)
to the DOJ
You won't have to call cael, they'll call you

probably at 3am with a swat team and cnn cameras
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Look around, see how miserable everyone is, how everyone's being smashed by the top 1%, white collar criminals with impunity, while you and yours live on credit. If that ain't enough, there's no hope 4u. Think about China and how the western right winged neoliberals are hoping from it.

“The world itself's just one big hoax. Spamming each other with our running commentary of bullshit, masquerading as insight, our social media faking as intimacy. Or is it that we voted for this? Not with our rigged elections, but with our things, our property, our money. I'm not saying anything new. We all know why we do this, not because Hunger Games books make us happy, but because we wanna be sedated. Because it's painful not to pretend, because we're cowards.”
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Look around, see how miserable everyone is, how everyone's being smashed by the top 1%, white collar criminals with impunity, while you and yours live on credit. If that ain't enough, there's no hope 4u. Think about China and how the western right winged neoliberals are hoping from it.

“The world itself's just one big hoax. Spamming each other with our running commentary of bullshit, masquerading as insight, our social media faking as intimacy. Or is it that we voted for this? Not with our rigged elections, but with our things, our property, our money. I'm not saying anything new. We all know why we do this, not because Hunger Games books make us happy, but because we wanna be sedated. Because it's painful not to pretend, because we're cowards.”


I don't see miserable people when I look around. Well, you are an exception.
Plus other lefties. They are miserable because they are spoiled, useless sheep for the most part. Dying to be made slaves without even knowing it. All because they can't enjoy life without fucking with others.
yes we all bought into it. We all thought partnering up with China was going to make lots of money and that China would become more like us. But the bottom line is we become more like them or more accurately our politicians/DC are controlled by them now. An America first agenda which no globalist wants and that should be your first clue as to who is your enemy was a good chance to get out of it.
China plays the long game. They are likely looking to expand for slaves and resources. Maybe Japan/India/Etc. Good luck with Russia. They have a long, long history of being invaded and being strong. Also of integrating multiple cultures under one umbrella. They are sneaky fuckers in China. I trust them less than any other country on Earth these days.
Lets try some breathing exercises to work on our entitlement. In the same breath repeat after me:

"You can't put a price on my hurt feelings but I'll settle for 500k"