Guys, I'd like some input here. (livejournal)

Advice on women from NGFM

next up Reggs leads us all in a TW spelling bee

Dogs and cats living together

honkler clown world
Do you think it will ever be possible to bring another woman into this house permanently? What i mean is, everything about this family, house, life was built by and for me and my wife. No woman that i bring into this will have the same skin in the game if that makes sense.

The kid is of her flesh and blood, no woman on the planet will ever love him like she did, no matter what facebook memes say. And we just clicked...we took care of each other, always had each others backs for everything without question. How is that ever going to be replaced? I know it can never be replicated, at best i can find a woman thats ALMOST as good as her.

I guess my point is i never had to worry about her being shady, hurting the kid, or trying to shank me with a divorce because this all worked because it was built and maintained by us for us. Should i even try for something permanent or just be a bachelor?
You're obviously focused on yourself which is the necessary first step, but it can be hard to step out of that and get into other people you don't even know or care about yet. IMO a pitfall to avoid is seeking too much from someone you don't know yet, like praise, emotional support, help making difficult life choices, etc you get into that weird over-sharing uncomfortable territory. I'd look elsewhere for fulfillment first, like therapy or whatnot, and just aim for having a time out now and then to learn about someone new.
juggs, idk bruh i can only try 2 imagine ur pain and predicament b/c i'm a middle aged incel

I thought incels graduated once they hit 35?

Will never understand incels. You have to try to NOT get laid. I am pretty sure you are not one and playing pretend, though.

On topic: havax and Hellsfury are 100% right. You cannot force it. Live your life and when its happens it happens.
some people would rather be celibate than fuck ugly chicks

some of those people have psychotic episodes

Do you think it will ever be possible to bring another woman into this house permanently? What i mean is, everything about this family, house, life was built by and for me and my wife. No woman that i bring into this will have the same skin in the game if that makes sense.

The kid is of her flesh and blood, no woman on the planet will ever love him like she did, no matter what facebook memes say. And we just clicked...we took care of each other, always had each others backs for everything without question. How is that ever going to be replaced? I know it can never be replicated, at best i can find a woman thats ALMOST as good as her.

I guess my point is i never had to worry about her being shady, hurting the kid, or trying to shank me with a divorce because this all worked because it was built and maintained by us for us. Should i even try for something permanent or just be a bachelor?

Sorry for your loss.

Someone else? :shrug:
Que sera sera.

Being the kind of :heart: woman you describe
My guess is she would want you to be happy.