[Germany] Blond, cheerful kids = Nazi parents


Nazi Admin++
Parenting Magazine Warns Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing


Parenting magazine Baby & Family has told readers to beware of families who are “inconspicuous” and “cheerful”, as these warning signs indicate they are right wing and thus “dangerous”.

This, the high-circulation German magazine declares, “is precisely the great risk” as such people are just as dangerous if not more so as gangs of Nazi skinheads. The identifying features of right-wing families, it contends, are that they are “inconspicuous, blond, cute and engaged”.

Heike Radvan of the controversial Amadeu Antonio Foundation warns that “children of right-wing parents are not necessarily different from other children”, but says they are often “very obedient” and might not talk much.

Despite asserting that such children are not outspoken, the “experts” wheeled out by the magazine warn that a sinister aspect of right-wing parenting is that they instil self-confidence in their progeny.

They do this, Prausner posits, in hope that “their offspring will later confidently carry their ideology into the world”.

Köttig explains that right-wing families are not unlike ordinary families in that they teach their own values. The important difference with extreme right-wing groups, however, is that these values are “strongly geared at Germanic customs and traditions”.

Prausner says “right-wing kids” are aware that they should keep their family lives private, but she adds that a telltale sign of right-wing extremism is that there are usually no American logos on their parents’ clothing.


Heike Radvan

Lesbian extremist, hates normal people. Hates heterosexuals in general, families (=man + woman + kids) in specific.

Amadeu Antonio Foundation
Founded by commie Wolfgang Thierse and ex-Stasi jew Anetta Kahane. Both hate White people, former because he's a christian and latter because she's jewish.

Your country has been conquered without firing a single shot.

What the fuck are you talking about? The jews had to mobilize the entire world from Kansas City to Kathmandu before Germany was conquered. Good god.
inconspicuous, blond, cute and engaged

Should be more of it.

They do this, Prausner posits, in hope that “their offspring will later confidently carry their ideology into the world”.

I hope so. We are competing with some seriously left wing teachers in the education system, who bend curriculum to shove their leftist views down kids throats.
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went from white pride being bad

to white people being happy or smiling as a form of extremism

the white guilt and cuck runs as deep as their desperation these days
if you are happy and you know it

call the government

if you are happy and you know it

call the government

because your racist face will fully show it

and your neighbors really need to know it

if you are happy and you know it

call the government
Seems to be like an ebb and flow of society. For centuries non-whites have been beat down by whites, mostly because whites were smarter, more organized, developed a little faster.

But then whites grew a conscience, started giving non-whites leeway, all while non-whites were breeding like cockroaches, and now sheer numbers is allowing them to exact sort of a 'revenge'
"For centuries". :lol:

It sounds like Whites have ruled a Ten Thousand Year Empire, subjugating the nog under a boot of iron. What a crock.