elbow touch sexual assault is on the rise please support our victims


if u dare touch a womyn on the elbow without consent even by accident u r a fukin rapist that has done grievous physical injury

please remember to commit suicide after this you are human garbage

a message from reddit moderators on any given "liberal" municipal subreddit
Right. Rush was talking about this on his radio show. The #MeToo movement did away with Weinstein and Moonves, but they're liberals. Now they want Kavanaugh gone by saying he locked a girl in a room in high school, even though she got out. Then they say he rapped her.

The idea with the #MeToo movement is that once accused, you can't fight back. You have to resign immediately and walk away never to be heard from again.
I've been told you're a pedophile because you've actually touched a 10 year old boy on her elbow...

Parents let the child identify as a girl
How could you dentshop?
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Right. Rush was talking about this on his radio show. The #MeToo movement did away with Weinstein and Moonves, but they're liberals. Now they want Kavanaugh gone by saying he locked a girl in a room in high school, even though she got out. Then they say he rapped her.

The idea with the #MeToo movement is that once accused, you can't fight back. You have to resign immediately and walk away never to be heard from again.

roy moore didn't