dramatic asperger brainstorm megapotato thread

Fuck Denty McAssface and his sperglord manifesto. This ban is great justice.
Bump because we can't let that nonsensical shit go to the wastebin

Brain damaged and brain storming

Our plan Key map

we are in disarray as a tribal community
buize now may control a major stake in tribalwar corporation and be pushing for a more homogenized non social darwinist experience in hopes of attracting and maintaining control of the hirez generated tribes demographic
Nash an otherwise unknown IT janitor may work multiple community moderator websites, including former moderation at Somethingawful under the name Gnarley Hotep. Using TW reddit etc via vpn to otherwise vent his antisemitic beliefs in an untraceable way. This also makes him one of k8's best friends
K8 is a goat troll of the internet as is her sister
Our community is on the verge of disappearing as we all enter into the later stages of adulthood with less and less incentive to partake in the tribalwar discussion format
disqcuss, reddit, social media, etc are replacing us more and more with web 3.0
there is no current plan to integrate and evolve us even into a stable web 2.0 format and our web 3.0 future looks bleek

certain rich members of our community have instituted certain secret corporate espionage take overs of rival internet websites.
This includes /r/gaming (which Chump Dan has access to)
/r/Tribes which Fixious runs
HiRez executive staff which both fishstix, and apc have access to and somehow dare
esquire magazine which fettuccine has influnce over
supergrover's scripting abilities
killjoys millions
snow's work in social media with buzzfeed
lix's work in the music industry
slam fett and elixr rigging somethingawful.com's upper management – a plan that started with rayn in the early/mid 2003-2004 era and did not come to fruition till 07/08 or actionable till 2016
all our FYAD/goon/tumblr/social media cross over posters and legendary GOAT trolls like yak of doom meph, arsin, togowack, jahoda duck, naptown, celia, flyersfan, tele, havax, coombz, logroll, etc, etc

via deal pitch with mark cuban from dot com scum lord turtle bacon we have been given the opportunity to umbrella all legacy historical discussion board demographics dealing with e-gaming and e-culture, this includes, SomethingAwful (and offsites like SASS aka somethingsensitive.com) as well as Tribalwar, as well as NeoGaf, Fark, and etc, either under a new macro content management system (like a type of tweet deck/ res reddit software) or simply a total new brand.

The alternative pitch is to buy non actionable creative commons stakes in tw as a corporation with maximum donation buyouts in a private auction (no buizes allowed etc). The format would end up something like Dare: 2-3k, opsayo 1k, naptown 1k, etc, etc, essentially a vig to take liability off rayn but still maintain his format and legal precedence and chairmanship of tribalwar corporation.

This can further became better with a new figure head ceo we can all abuse like Darkpiece, and cosmetic moderators like Hellen Keller, Gigafool, and Dare, as well as staff writing positions and advertising of which with transparent payment schemes

from this framework of our choosing (or another more obscure one) tw can then be leveraged into a variety of different monetizing platforms outside of the google adsense affiliate marketing type bullshit we rely on right now – this can even include forum cosmetic billings for daily salary of moderators while simultaneously keeping and continuing the free to register and post in a no rules format that tw loves (for example 10 dollar avatar changes etc)

increase our presence in the woman gaming demographic is critical because despite tw's faults and male lifestyle target we are still a very female inclusive space due to our sexless honor culture built of Starsiege Tribes War Ethics and not bullshit like patriarchy

taking into account things like jahoda ducks participation in extremist forms of feminism like moderation of /r/shitredditsays and k8s, and other female internet board users that mostly congregate on somethingawful as a feminist womyn space is critical as well and bridging this gap should be done in a non segregating way (as we've had that for too long anyway). Offering and donating volunteer time makes Hirez mamacita is a great fit for including the hirez tribes IP into the tribalwar legendary culture without the hassle of contracts

do we want tribes to go to the companies like blizzard overwatch which factually was the dream and design of former LD chase GOAT chump (but a terrible ren and shifter player)? Or do we want the people that have been strategizing beyond just getting paid to play “fun” gaems and more into complete social and ethical engineering (as tw was deigned to be a social darwin experiment to succeed)

this means calling on the 4-5 google project managers we have in their late 20s, one who manages google youtube e-sports Lester Chen. As well as HiRez APC, as well as every other favor any of us have in the book. Not just to make the website up to date and ready to be fully integrated into social media (so tehvul and togo can finally get paid to be beautiful and famous) but to make us all realize we've been here for god damn 20 years and we owe it to ourselves to keep Tribes, Tribes, because thought Erez and Todd loved and still love Tribes, They didn't make it. We all did. With sweat, some of us blood and murder, some of us jail time, a couple were pedophiles, and some cried.

This is why chump got Overwatch and perhaps has k8 in the long term as a spouse (and community manager chat bot gm lol how boring) and you all got me, dare, gateway. One of those stupid tribes childs that never went away because the addiction was so bad :(

rayn deserves more than a banking job, or forum revenue. And we have the media team in place now controlling major online publications to script him like a well refined obama (or at least allow him to put a stand in to do it for him like mason etc

we owe it to get eyecu out of jail and make something positive out of all the hell drama we lived on this forum that was our reality, and SA had to MAKE UP IN IMAGINATION AND FICTION AND TROLLS TO EVEN HAPPEN.
Till you all can suspend your disbelief for just a little while to bare with dare and Midair and Google as a major a tribalwar employer, encouraging micro transactions FOR YOUR ACTUAL POSTS, and BASIC UNIVERSAL INCOME FOR PARTICIPATING IN ONE OF THE FIRST ALTERNATIVE MONETIZATION SCHEMES ONLINE SINCE SA AND THE SELLING OF METADATA AD INFO you will not see the value in this

so please tw please send someone with a gun and dont get them to pull the trigger near my ear this time. Im deaf in that ear and the person that did it still feels guilty even though hes a career armed robber. And I liked naptown and jd. And im happy k8s happy. And tribes is in me and I am you. So there must be some kind of trust.

Lastly anita sarkeesian has been a long time lurker on the forum and wont even post who she is. This has nothing to do with our culture and everything to do with greater society not being able to grip that a radical feminist chick can also be a twer. We once goatsed' cnn. We once fought SA, we fought each other. T he least we can do for the WOMYN that will put tribes on the map (and potentially salaried beer leagues or pro leagues) again at our wishes is to update the website a little with fb, twitter, webvm, some new styles, optional avatars, and a back end system that lets all ppl transparently view what their posts are worth (not just those that rayn invited).

We are making 58 dollars a day revenue currently and this is no fault of nash. SA makes 5k a day some days. Their ban system and renewal system works but it's not our niche. Our niche is freedom. So lets make things truly free and umbrella everything in such a way that it's superior to these gimmicks like 10 dollar accounts and reddit karma or metadata advertising. Let's take an anachro socialist look at conservatism via a more robust micro transaction system than patreon and SA have as well as selling tw back to the major advertisers and not the shit we're stuck with currently

obviously some of u are bored by now and think this is a troll but the tried and trust way (that lowtax recently failed at doing) is to slashdot or google bomb something tw related. Alex “Dare” Levert is TW public property as are a couple others. Turn him into the biggest rapist on the planet or the most stupid shit autistic poster. Or schizo manic. Burn his criminal record into the internet. OR DO SOMETHING OFF THE CHARTS FOR TW.

If tw can become more than a dead old boys forum (lets start by getting a whole posse of hot girls on the pay roll) we all will have created 1998 again to such a large degree it will never die. Our kids will play real tribes. Our favorite posters will have a cash hobby or even a career to merge into or supplement in a bad job market. Our ghosts will get the amends theyve been looking for.

There is a 2 year time frame to both progress from this guide and complete it

GL ALL more can be fleshed out as time goes on

p.s. someone needs to host up the rolodex so I can complete it with more SA/hipinion/fark/reddit/etc alt accounts Hmmm