Defiance - TV Series

I watched the pilot a few times to catch the shit I missed. Its another futuristic western that will get canceled after one season for being too expensive and not profitable unlike reality shows. But I'll keep watching it.

I doubt they would cancel so flippantly, unless there is some serious concerns over it. They have that MMO tie-in and a studio making that collaborating with the show, I don't think they will can it too quickly based on that.
First episode was pretty bad, but a lot of great shows start off shitty, hopefully it'll get better from there.

Besides, Julie Benz.
Yeah... just watched it and it was pretty terrible. Let me know if it actually becomes good down the road.

P.S. - Why the fuck did he keep yanking the wheel from side to side every time he got in a vehicle? Only little kids pretend to drive like that...
Halfway through the first episode and there's a few things that are really throwing me off and making me view it as a cheesy super low budget sci-fi series..but it seems to be taking itself pretty seriously so that's not going to work.

The first scene with the driving...oh god why did he have to keep twisting the wheel back and forth like they used to in shitty old movies. Nobody actually drives like that and it looks silly. If the road was actually bumpy to where constant steering corrections would be needed, please just shake the camera around a bit.

When the main character guy starts firing off the gun at the forest creatures and runs out of ammo, he's still pretending the gun has recoil. Tiny nitpicking thing but pretty annoying.

During the statue ceremony when the town is first being shown, the second I saw two families on stage and one had a daughter and one a son, I knew there would be some bullshit romeo and juliet opposing family bullshit going on. That was just horribly annoyingly predictable. 5 minutes later pissed off brother protecting the sister, check. Overly stereotypical characters and unfortunately I think that family storyline is going to be a central part of this going forward.
ya i remember the shooting, no ammo, recoil(wtf) moment thinking it was pretty funny/bad.


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It wasn't all to great but I give SciFi a few episodes before I give in; hell, I'm still watching Falling Skies.
the CG shots look like they used their game engine to record them.

The plot was pretty bad too.