

Veteran XX
Haven't played since bf2 back in the day with NOVA.

Anyone else throw money at this EA garbage?

No fucking scoreboard or all chat :lol:
Cant recover the email for the EA account. They're not sending verification emails for any reason.

Close to refund...did get someone on chat after only a couple minutes (it said 106minute wait) at 12am, not bad
I got to play a match!

I've been told there's a persistence problem every single round load. Did a hard restart and I got the pleasure to lose in 10minutes.

Was fun, looked pretty and ran smooth on a 1070.
not a fan of the all out war gametype

however.....playing the bad company 2 map again in portal is pretty fucking awesome. now they just need to re-release all the bad company 2 maps for lumber company time

havent played bfbc2 in years, but felt like time didn't pass at all once I loaded into the map
I was in INH for awhile too you dork. Thor and donut were my doods.

Oh shit that's right, I was a captain or something then mechloud went stupidandni joined vr then some of us branched off to create nutshot which later become rapture when i didnt want to lead anymore

I think we actually got along back then

Me and Thor went and played CS for a couple of CAL-main seasons. Not sure what happened to donut.

We would still get along gaming. :X
Some of the most fun I have had gaming was Havoc's duel Tournament game mode.

But I remember dueling donut and thats what got me the invite :D
no all chat
no scoreboard
no team change
no squad change
cant select your squad unless u premake it and join as a party
not nearly enough guns, like half of what a normal game would have
specialist system is meh but its stupid that u see 500 of the same model running around w no visible indicator what team theyre on
maps are massive and only have 1 or 2 real "choke points" where ppl fight so if u cap another point its faster to just suicide and respawn at another point if u cant get a vehicle which u probably cant bc they get taken immediately and it takes a dozen fucking bazooka hits to destroy anything and everyone just plays medic so even if u pick an RPG and hit a tank it kills u b4 it takes any real damage bc no one else is helping
which leads me to the next bad point: the playerbase is literal mongoloid level retarded bc games like CoD, Fornite/PUBG and Apex have rewarded dumb ppl for playing bad games and dumbed them down to the point theyre completely unable to think about their teammates or capturing objectives. theyll literally just sit outside of an enemy-controlled objective and try to shoot them as they spawn like kills matter somehow while our tickets just fucking bleed out
gunplay is bad - assault rifles are out-ranged by one of the SMGs and the starting machine gun literally doesnt have recoil so u can just walk around w it hipfiring and its like a laserbeam straight on target
its buggy as fuck, constant spawn issues, a couple crashes etc
no server browser, only automatic matchmaking based on ping
the spotting system is fucking garbage compared to previous games
the gfx are literally bf3/bf4 level - its pathetic

but portal is cool and playing classic bf1942 w updated gfx has been a real joy except no one is playing it so u get stuck w a lot of bots

i would say the smart move would be to avoid this piece of shit for a while and see what they do w the first major patch

if they dont at least fix the scoreboard like literally every single player has been complaining about then theres 0 chance theyll fix any of the other issues and it wont b worth playing ever
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