2016 bitchelob still raging


Veteran X
havent played in a while so i log into duel
aim is pretty bad and i miss most shots
michelob is mad that im not fighting his style
i shoot disc next round and he is hurt in the splash dmg (didnt aim at him, i cant hit anyone at this point)
get kicked
return under name BITCHELOBRAGE
he perm bans me


some girls never gr0w up, especially if you live in bumfuck baltimore
The pond of wisdom
an ancient tribe master was walk around a pond when young tribe player approach him. "master," say the young tribe
player. "i want 2 increase skill with chaingun but i am kick from server when i kill admin, wut should i do?"
the ancient tribe master did not seem 2 hear, he just fiddle w/ his mustache & feed fish
in the pond. for many minute he
was silence. finally young student ask again, "master how can i practice chain
-" and the ancient tribe master cut him off
with sudden slap 2 the face and knock student to the ground.
b4 he can protest tribe master say, "i already answer ur question." and student say, "but u say nothing master." and
ancient tribe master say, "that right i say nothing. u ask what to do when u practice chain and kill admin and he kick u
and i say nothing. 2 be kick for killing admin is not wor
se fate of tribe player. worse fate 2 be kick and complain on
message board and post youtube and reveal urself as a lowly dog who practice chaingun and lack honor on last
remaining tribe pub server." and student say, "ahh master u are right." the ancient t
ribe master just nod and continue to
walk around pond.
the tao of tribe