I think the leftests

Submission is the wrong word.
more like gotten enough negative feedback to be driven back underground. But be assured the agenda is working it's claws inside all organizations as we speak.
don't worry cael
I had a gay cousin
that died of 'aids'
just go back into the closet

come to thin of it my uncle was gay
but he married a women ... that was kinda manly
it all works out
in the closet
you go
Submission is the wrong word.
more like gotten enough negative feedback to be driven back underground. But be assured the agenda is working it's claws inside all organizations as we speak.


it was only today i woke up a drunk gay nordic :srsly:
its v odd that some ppl when they get really mad start saying rly obviously gay stuff like OMG ur such an idiot and such a fag i bet ur a great kisser <erotic fanfic continues>