Hello, I'm Kim Kardashian

Okay seriously, what is the appeal of so much 'junk in da trunk'?

It's a turnoff for me. I like a girl with a tight ass. I don't want a chunky slab of jello undulating in counterpoint to my manly thrusts. Why the extra cushion when all it does is cushion the pushing I'm doing?
Okay seriously, what is the appeal of so much 'junk in da trunk'?

It's a turnoff for me. I like a girl with a tight ass. I don't want a chunky slab of jello undulating in counterpoint to my manly thrusts. Why the extra cushion when all it does is cushion the pushing I'm doing?

are you fucking kidding me?

sounds like 10 year old boys would be perfect for you.
Okay seriously, what is the appeal of so much 'junk in da trunk'?

It's a turnoff for me. I like a girl with a tight ass. I don't want a chunky slab of jello undulating in counterpoint to my manly thrusts. Why the extra cushion when all it does is cushion the pushing I'm doing?

Absolutely. Again, I ain't a fan of TOO much junk. What's with the wide load asses when a tight, curvy ass to me looks perfect enough? What's with the extra adipose?
I like number three from the left, not the biggest, but the most well shaped.

btw-what we're doing here is very similar to what female animals to decide on mates.