Has LGBR posted since he proved himself to be the most crueress cunt in history?

This Thread is now about boats

maybe i just don't have any funny bones, but i NEVER thought that i'm on a boat song was even remotely funny. anyone else with me on this?
he said he would leave triple style.

which means he'll start posting again in a few days and act like he never said he was leaving
reported for bumping shit thread

enjoy ur ban u fucking midget loser

Is being wrong about the same shit over and over again some kind of fucking hobby with you?

Edit: shit, I bumped the thread again. Now i'm in deeeeep trouble :rolleyes:
i didnt want to reply to eyecu's post because i dont want him to think he won

but im in the states attending family matters and returning to school (lol career student). money was actually the reason i wanted to stay, but i have an obligation to take care of two old people with alzheimers. it sucks.

now, a realistic death toll...

consider that tokyo is pretty much unharmed, and kyoto and osaka are pretty much unharmed.... and yokohama and nagoya are along the same lines.... and kagoshima is okay.... and fukuoka is okay... basically, sendai is the only city that really got hit.

honestly, if its over 1000 ill be shocked, and itll be a sad loss of life, but i dont feel its right to sit here and make conjecture about it while people are suffering.

all im doing is pointing out that
1) this shit happens
2) the reason it doesnt make headlines here is because they know what to do when it happens
3) the reason it made headlines this time is because its huge

theres not going to be a huge public panic over this. i imagine after a couple of days pretty much everything will be back to normal there and we certainly won't even hear about it.