list of ppl "nexted" from tw

juggernaught was nexted on google street view in front of his house

you can see him look at the google car then go back inside

he had fake flowers in planters out front and lived in a triplex

he's been back since but has never been the same
You know the difference between a hypothesis and a theory? Or do you?

You know - I never did. Not the actual scientific dictionary definition or more specifically the comparison between the two. So thanks for inspiring me to go look something up.

back to my ~studies~
20 years ago

this was like 4 years ago and u were on the side of a building in a hardhat and safety harness
so no pic?

Phyzx is a total weirdo Jesus

Non is worse than his kids baseball thread tho or the global warming formula thing

I didn't think anyone from social was dumber than badmofo but I guess I'm wrong
inside pitches from an 8yr old don't hurt when you're from SoCial.

ah yes the baseball thread

bc kids who dont purposefully try to hurt other kids to win @ little league will not be randian heroes
have never seen randian used in a sentence, +1

okay I'm not going to hate on that, as it's still way above the USA average. You're doing a lot more than Jomo and Captain Tele, paying your taxes and being a productive citizen.

But what is the deal with asking for a formula about heat retention and carbon dioxide? When you say "it's just a hypothesis," you know what that word means, right? You know the difference between a hypothesis and a theory? Or do you?


A hypothesis is very specific, such as "a doubling of atmospheric CO2 will lead to a global temperature rise of 2 degrees".

A theory is much broader, such as the theory of CAGW, which might say something like "a 2 degree temperature rise in the Earths atmosphere would put the planet beyond the point of no return, where all the ice at the poles melts, the sea level rise 20ft, the Pacific Ocean enters a permanent El Nino State, hurricanes increase in strength and occurrences... blah, blah, blah."

My entire point about the formula of CO2 heating up the atmosphere was for people to admit there is none, and that it is, in fact, just an unproven hypothesis.

BRB, gotta go dig through the neighbors garbage cans for recyclables or the kids don't get to eat.
A hypothesis is very specific, such as "a doubling of atmospheric CO2 will lead to a global temperature rise of 2 degrees".

A theory is much broader, such as the theory of CAGW, which might say something like "a 2 degree temperature rise in the Earths atmosphere would put the planet beyond the point of no return, where all the ice at the poles melts, the sea level rise 20ft, the Pacific Ocean enters a permanent El Nino State, hurricanes increase in strength and occurrences... blah, blah, blah."

My entire point about the formula of CO2 heating up the atmosphere was for people to admit there is none, and that it is, in fact, just an unproven hypothesis.

now that right there is pretty impressively wrong

especially considering the easy access he has to actual definitions thanks to the internet