[Immigration Policy] Where do you stand?

Jim Beam

Veteran XV
Currently, the USA accepts 1 million immigrants a year. There are 33 million immigrants accepted for temporary stays (work, school, tourist). Naturally, many of them stay beyond their visa requirements. Immigrants now account for 12% of the population. Blacks have consistently accounted for the same proportion of the populace. Illegal immigration accounts for 1-4 million a year (it is difficult to find an exact number - they are illegal afterall).

Shouldn't blacks be upset that immigrants are stealing their thunder? Shouldn't white Americans be upset that immigrants are stealing their tax dollars?

Against most popular belief, America was not founded by immigrants. It was founded by colonists (i.e. conquerors). Prior to 1965, there were only two major immigrant trends (which were reactive) - after the Civil War (1882, which was actually quite restrictive), and 1921 which set quotas based on the population of immigrants living here already. Only in 1965 did we open the doors to anyone, and place preference on family. There is no actual history to declare the USA a nation of immigrants. When we took immigrants, we quickly shut the door.

That is the past. Where do we stand now? I support a complete moratorium (no students, no high tech workers, limited visitors). No amnesty, either. I would like a complete expulsion of illegals. I support a program to allow mexicans to pick our vegetables, but they need to be documented, and no civil rights beyond basic rights of being paid for work and not murdered.

Also worth noting: the USA accepts more legal immigrants than any other existing country. Add to that the illegal population that gains "due process" because the the writers of the 14th amendment said "person" instead of "citizen"... what a headache... You've experienced traffic. How many more people do we need here?

BTW.. these numbers are from the Census Bureau. So, it is all probably higher.

My Policy:
  1. Deport all who are here illegally.
  2. Illegal aliens do not have the same constitutional rights, privileges, and protections of citizens, resident aliens, or otherwise legitimate aliens (i.e., tourists).
  3. Being here illegally forever bars the person from gaining any form of legal status.
  4. Jus soli (citizenship simply by birth on US soil) is abolished in favor of Jus Sanguinis (citizenship by blood) and in rare cases--naturalization.
  5. Problematic immigrants may be stripped of their citizenship and repatriated to their country of origin (see, e.g., the somali kid who tried to bomb Portland)
  6. Asylum shall be denied to any refugee who crosses through another country in which they could have applied for asylum prior to arriving on US soil.
The problem is tiny compared to humans overpopulating the world.
Many young people look at the times and lament that unlike past generations, they have nothing to fight for, no mass movement, no cause. I say to them that humans have overpopulated their ecosystem to the point that nearly every problem we have can be attributed to the fact that there are too many of us. No more people can the earth take. That is the cause.
My Policy:
  1. Deport all who are here illegally.
  2. Illegal aliens do not have the same constitutional rights, privileges, and protections of citizens, resident aliens, or otherwise legitimate aliens (i.e., tourists).
  3. Being here illegally forever bars the person from gaining any form of legal status.
  4. Jus soli (citizenship simply by birth on US soil) is abolished in favor of Jus Sanguinis (citizenship by blood) and in rare cases--naturalization.
  5. Problematic immigrants may be stripped of their citizenship and repatriated to their country of origin (see, e.g., the somali kid who tried to bomb Portland)
  6. Asylum shall be denied to any refugee who crosses through another country in which they could have applied for asylum prior to arriving on US soil.

Sounds good. That's why it will never happen.
The problem is tiny compared to humans overpopulating the world.
Many young people look at the times and lament that unlike past generations, they have nothing to fight for, no mass movement, no cause. I say to them that humans have overpopulated their ecosystem to the point that nearly every problem we have can be attributed to the fact that there are too many of us. No more people can the earth take. That is the cause.

I don't worry about over population in the world. I worry about over population in the USA. Everybody else starves and dies. That is pretty common and expected throughout history. But, I believe in American Exceptionalism. We're better. However, we are not better when we invite the world's poor and degenerates here.

Regarding young lament, they have plenty. Their future is fucked. There is no industrial base to support the common man, there is only services and sales... unless you are making six figures, that is an empty life. We've given our Country away to developing nations that harbor to corporations waiting to make a buck (wait... there is more) and that we can buy tons of shit on the cheap.

Globalism - free trade - is a fickle bitch, just like all of capitalism. There are limits, shades of grey, boundries not worth crossing. I prefer protectionism - in both trade and immigration.
hey didnt the founding fathers want to accept everybody?

This is where US History would come in handy. The colonies revolted against the british because Great Britain controlled the colonies. Sure, the dutch and french and spain had holdings, but those were lost to wars and treaties.

The United States is primarily a Country of British heritage. They were not open to everybody. Immigration was strictly for northearn and western europeans in the beginning.
maybe if you let in 100 million immigrants, they would replace the 100 million white babies we are short and suffering from in the manufacturing base (due to abortions), and we wouldn't need to print so much money to compensate.

all these immigrants do is make the economy move white people have nothing to do with it at all. white people want white collar jobs, Filipinos take factory jobs. should thank them and pay them like Colin Powell.
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
This is where US History would come in handy. The colonies revolted against the british because Great Britain controlled the colonies. Sure, the dutch and french and spain had holdings, but those were lost to wars and treaties.

The United States is primarily a Country of British heritage. They were not open to everybody. Immigration was strictly for northearn and western europeans in the beginning.

well afaik even our grandpas down the line before the first world war didn't have papers, they just landed with a bunch of gold. Of course my dads side made an agreement with the government, but I am not sure about my mom's.
dem indians dun took our casinos and deserts.. I say we get dem outta here, damn redskins, stealing the white mans jorbs
You sound like the guy in the front of the canoe that laughs at his partner because there's a hole in that end of the canoe.

But, you know it is not like that. The overpopulation in developing countries just means more deaths in those countries. As long as the US maintains a stable population we will be fine. Yet, stable is not 400 million. It is not 350 million. I think stable is less than 300 million. Let's get the illegals out and stop further immigration.

This is your land, too. Do you want to see it over run with uneducated, diseased, third worlders? In whose interest is that? Certainly not ours. The shit of the world can live and die by themselves. We've got better things to do. Where's the remote?