Fallout 3 Is going to Suck

you're an idiot if you think this is about camera angles.

I know it's about more than camera angle but that was one of the first issues that Bethesda took flak on and probably the fact that a number of fallout fans decided that they were going to hate the game. People are looking at the change as something automatically bad. I'm not going to call it a bad game before I play it.
At least fucking clean it up to read. It's obviously cut/pasted, so you didn't take the time to write it. At least if you want us to read it, section it out into readable segments or bold/italicize the subsection titles.

That's way too messy looking for me to even want to attempt reading.
im confused... the thread is about fallout3 yet we are talking about diablo3 what did i miss??
A picture is worth a thousand words. There were 2 diablo 2 pictures posted, but no fallout pictures posted.

On the other hand there were about 5000 words about fallout in the OP...


wait, what?

1. Angry fansite operator gets pissed because software isn't written the way he 'would do it'
2. Angry fansite operator posts negative press and invades official forums to 'warn people'
3. Angry fansite operator and his posse are cut off from dev and forum sites and basically blacklisted
4. Angry fansite operator goes on a crusade stating that all past and future titles by publisher are teh suck
I know it's about more than camera angle but that was one of the first issues that Bethesda took flak on and probably the fact that a number of fallout fans decided that they were going to hate the game. People are looking at the change as something automatically bad. I'm not going to call it a bad game before I play it.

let's start a list of all the games that fans of the previous titles in the series predicted were going to suck, and then were proven completely wrong.

tribes ve...
deus ex: invis- no wait.


yeah, I got nothing.

it's going to suck. i'm right, you're deluded. fuck off.
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Blizzard has shown a few screens and a few videos from one basic location of the game. Don't you think it is possible that they simply do not have very much of the game finished and are showing these areas because thats all they have to show?

It is extremely likely that other areas in the game will have much darker themes. Diablo 2 is a good indication that they have wide varieties in locales for each Act. So far they have only shown content that would be all in the same act. I would reserve judgment until they reveal more. Assuming that the whole game will be in a bright and colorful forest is just stupid and shortsighted.
I've played all of the Fallout games (including Wasteland on the C64 - lol). I enjoyed all of them, bugs and all. I've also followed Fallout 3 (4) from its first announcement. This is NOT your fathers Fallout. The concept and execution is vastly different from previous games. Brace yourself for waves of whiny grognards and greybeards that bemoan the fact that Fallout is dead and that the franchise has been raped. It's almost not worth it just having to listen to them.

I will play it and I will like it (whether I like it or not).
Although the original post is insightful, concise, and logical, I will be buying F3 on the first day.


P.S. I love, and still play Oblivion.
I kind of dislike oblivion, but that's mostly due to the setting. Fallout 3 screens make it look great, plus I know DC, it will be cool to run around there fucking shit up.

I'm looking forward to giving Bethesda my money.