[BadMoFo] Is this guy for real?


come at me :)[/QUOTE]

This is a good example. . the guy is just the zaniest, wacky goofball on the internet. I'm always slapping my knee laughing at every post he makes. That crazy Badmofo. . what WILL he do next?

man, i gotta tell the wife about this shit, set up a chain email or something cos this guy is off the HOOK
Was linked this post. Must say he's not someone whose posts, for me, ever stand out for any reason.

Dude, you're nuts. He gets pm's from people all the time, saying he posts the funniest shit ever. We know this, because he told us about it.
He's posted like 150 threads this year. Most of them were hilarious. I find it hard to believe you haven't noticed him.
this cyber bullying cannot stand man

Occupy Wall Street 6... 03-19-2012 10:46 AM BadMoFo
I wonder how many deep thoughts you have left in your life before I find out where you live, track you down, and murder you in front of your family :sunny:
I'm flattered by the crying about me, it fuels me to post more and more and more. My eventual goal is to watch faggots like you kill themselves, their families, their pets, and their neighbors because of something I post on this internet forum.

I told you bitches, I'm an e-celebrity, you're e-nothings.

Enjoy your life of obscurity, riding my nuts like little fleas.
