[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I support the idea of politicians world wide being held to the standards of the courts, with a legal obligation to tell the truth or face contempt, with fines or imprisonment depending on the gravity of the lie.


and who's truth are you wanting?
AKA: cities are how civilisation advances. They are by definition, progressive. The concentration of people means more exposure for all of them to differing views and ideas which those in the surrounding & supporting rural areas lag behind. Their exposure to new concepts are therefore stuck in an eternal twilight, lagging behind and never quite catching up with the rest of their society.

Change is not always better. I see a growing gap in this regard in my area. I will acknowledge its probably different in different areas. That's just a given. The smugness coming from certain areas of Chicago only grows and its getting to the point that everyone around them hates them. The area I live in has over 9 million people (Chicago and surrounding burbs). The areas where this smugness is pervasive is quite a bit smaller than this in both area and population. I find more like minded, good friendly people in areas like Bridgeport (more blue collar and old school city/ghetto mix) than I do in the Gold Coast, Lincoln Park, etc (hipster place to be).

I had some friends that went down that road. They are no longer friends. Their cliques stink of high school bullshit. They are so caught up in their money (I make more) and moral perfection they are impossible to be around and the irony of their behaviors is obvious to everyone but them.
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Folks — This will be the account for my official duties as President. At 12:01 PM on January 20th, it will become
. Until then, I'll be using
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