Anyone Take the CPA exam?


How many days (weeks) did you allocate for studying? Did you take a course? (I'm doing the self study with Becker) What'd you think of the test?
4-5 days , took a course at devry's (got off my couch first)

was pretty easy , DeVry University enrollment information and more at

that's me playing ps2 w/ the job i got and happy as can be :)
Even though I will have the credits needed once I get my masters, I dont think I will ever bother with it.

Actually none of my accounting friends are planning on it either but maybe that will change in a few years
give yourself about 3 months - although that was back in the day when you had to talk all 4 parts at once. Now you can study one part for like 3 weeks, take it, study for 3 weeks, take part 2, study, etc.

Also, if you get the degree, and you get the work experience (i.e. 2 years of public accounting or working under a CPA) you are a fool for not getting the cert.

Even if you do nothing with, it literally adds tens of thousands of dollars per year to your value. I went into IT consulting after stints at Pricewaterhouse and Grant Thornton, and the most critical areas in any IT shop are financial reporting, so the fact that I'm a CPA that's knows IT controls / SOx stuff, and application development stuff makes me a gold mine. ignore anyone that tells you not to get it, even if you don't plan to be an auditor.
I somewhat studied for it during a week long spring break trip to Cancun, like on the bus and the plane... And I still got an awesome grade on that sucker..
takin the bar.

Kinda floffing off on studying for it right now.

do you have a job? I love how people go to law school even though only like 10% of grads get jobs making more than $80K. Why not just take the $100K you spent on school to vegas and play blackjack? Much better odds.