The Jim Morrison Soul topic

This is just to show us how pathetic we are in our superstitions, prophesies, fables, testaments, and other spiritual hoaxes - which serve the interests of a few of course. This is just to show us, the west, how primitive our views of life and death are: focused on fantasies rather than empirical knowledge. When it comes to God and the illusion of a need to define it (god) we are still living in the age of caves; that's our spiritual mentality. In the East when they want to "think" God at least they do it well. But here we just mystify it, or renounce it.
We are dumb. But not this man.

This is about God, Evolution and Charles Darwin.

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If you didn't like Charles Darwin maybe you'd like to know that the holy ghost is gods genitals and marriage should be abolished and family is an ugly institution and children should not be eductaed by their families but by the commune, the community, a big group (not so prone to get sick, like families get). Listen to this man, he is right!

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If you didn't like Charles Darwin maybe you'd like to know that the holy ghost is gods genitals and marriage should be abolished and family is an ugly institution and children should not be eductaed by their families but by the commune. Listen to this man, he is right!

I just want to mention that I approve this thead.

Ana at TribalWar Forum - the story so far

When I first came here I knew this would be a challenge for me. No matter how stupid and ignorant some of the males here are, this board gives me the chance to speak my mind without having to deal with the pressure from Jim Morrison fans - once this is not a message board about The Doors or Jim.
Tribal War is not the kind of message board I would go to. However, I accepted the challenge because for someone who has been dragged down and insulted in so many ways for so many years (basically since I first appeared in the internet telling Jim's fans about my existence, which I waited 20 years to do) this place, no matter how strange it might be, is friendly. Here at Tribal War I have found very few people interested in subjects like theology, philosophy, psychology of the masses and those kind of debates. So far I haven't felt an honest interest on your part about these issues. Instead, 85% of you who post in this thread come here to provoke or talk dirty. Well, it's not working. I know you do it to call my attention, to trigger an endless posts of hate and insults. So sorry I'm not interested in that.
When I was a man I wasn't this type of man - he who insults woman. On the very contrary, I was the Dyonisian type of man and this means among other things that I enjoyed the company of woman and I cared for what they had to say. A man whether makes it out of war or out of woman, and well, the majority of the people who come here seem to prefer war to woman.
However, like I was saying, here I don't have to put up with the fanatic, even dogmatic, "love" and admiration the fans feel for Jim Morrison. And why is this? It's because the fans are closed inside what they were told. They were brainwashed and deceived yet they don't seem to mind. They believe in those who lie to them instead of she who is sincere. They believe in those who have economic interests to keep instead of she whose only interest is the people's welfare.
It's very unlikely, not to say impossible, that one day I will meet any of you.
Here at Tribal War your mechanisms of defense when it comes to me are not as passionate as it happens at the doors forums I used to go to before being banned. But one thing is still common: the sexualized perspective of it all.

For the last 20 years of my life I have become imune to attacks. I don't have problems if one attacks me verbally but I have problems if one says he/she likes me. It's your love for me I'm afraid of, not your attacks. Because it's your love I'm not used to.
Those who know me, know for sure that my character and personality is generous and sincere. And this in spite of all the fingers pointing at me as if I was an ignorant. By now those who still think of me this way are blind or they don't read what I write. I started in the year 2000 with everything against me. All the disadvantages were on my side. After nearly 8 years I turned foes into friends, or at least conquered a little bit of their admiration and sympathy.

ana id like to go down on you sometime

are you cool with this?

You tell me :rolleyes:
Are you doing the right thing to seduce me?


That's the spirit.

And well, here's our brand new friend Osho talking about SEX & DEATH.

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Hey Taxi,
I wish it had been Osho instead of the Maharishi back in the 60's.

I posted a new video by Osho about Sex and Death.
Just brilliant.

See ya.
Nothing is going on.
I'm just telling the people that I am Jim Morrison and they don't believe me, which is of course very bad for them because instead of taking this great opportunity to ask me questions about God and stuff

why ask you and not one of the other reincarnations of jim morrison? you know there is a lot of you right? so why are you the 'real' reincarnation of jim morrison and the others aren't?

first question, why did you draw the old/chubby jim morrison card? much like elvis i would prefer to be the young version but i guess that is just me.

second question, please enlighten me a bit about this whole chilling in the ether for a year until you got reincarnated into, well, this ... vessel of sorts. eastern theology surrounding reincarnation usually deals with one's accumulation of karma. the end result being that you would NOT be reincarnated at all. that whole zen thing. being reincarnated was meant to teach you a lesson that you didn't learn in your previous life. i'm curious how your reincarnation was delayed so long after your death into this new form and why this particular vessel? clearly there was a plethora of other homely women born probably on the day of your death even, why this one? but i don't now much about the native american process of reincarnation which i assume is what you fall under. so, feel free to post some links that will help me educate myself on this process. or, since you're so well versed on the subject of native americans maybe you can just explain it.

so, jimana, lets skip past the crazy couch and acknowledge your premise. ok, you're jim morrison. when you were actually jim morrison, as rock stars go, you weren't a bad person. sure, you fucked around some but as rock stars in the 60s go your womanizing was pretty tame. you did a lot of drugs, so did everyone else at the time. you had a flock of fans due to your, imo, excellent work with the doors and your solo work. however this is a universally accepted concept. people ahve idolized great warriors, great artists, etc since forever.

then why is it that you were reincarnated as a homely woman (trying to be civil) with no voice or artistic ability to speak of?

third question, when did you 'know' you were, well, you? just curious cause i had a friend i used to drop acid with who swore he was, well, that you were you, erm, i mean you were him too? just wondering.

p.s. i don't need cliffs anymore.

- this bitch is crazy
- which explains taxi's attraction to her. if taxi were a moth crazy bitches are the street lamp he flies into. she is a bargain to taxi's jew wallet.
- some bad youtube karaoke's are posted, apparently as art.
- jimana defends her 'voice' by saying you can't do better, which makes her good or something.
Yes, Taxi and Ana are a perfect (insane, self-important) match.

Assuming they're not the same person, which still hasn't been definitively proven.
If you didn't like Charles Darwin maybe you'd like to know that the holy ghost is gods genitals and marriage should be abolished and family is an ugly institution and children should not be eductaed by their families but by the commune, the community, a big group (not so prone to get sick, like families get). Listen to this man, he is right!

Please get fucked, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.