Russell Crowe gets angry, walks out of interview

It didn't sound like Mister Russel "stormed out". It sounds like he got up and left having grown tired of being interviewed by a douche bag.

I mean really... you invite the actor in for an interview about his movie and you want to nitpick with him over the history of if he's Irish or not? Why not ask the director or the writers who decided on the story Mr Crowe would act out?
He's probably sick and fucking tired of doing interviews to promote the thing.

Can't say I blame him. The press is full of douchebags.
The interviewer didn't make that big of a deal about it...Crowe could have easily just moved on but he's the one who brought it up again over a minute after the fact.

I mean yeah the interviewer was probably a douche but it's not like Russell Crowe has a well-documented history of being a fucking saint.

Having said all of this, who gives a fuck? :rofl:
I watched Gladiator today it is great to watch a movie that has special effects that still look great.

He is known for having a short temper, and a huge ego, it was several years ago that he offered to donate his brain after death to some organization that collects the brains of very gifted people... they refused his donation lol.
It was the gladiator thing that pissed him off, the implication being that he's a hack that can only do one role, this one being that Robin Hood is Maximus with a bow and arrow.
I dunno about Russell Crowe... I like the guy and all, but he's a douchebag. I mean if you take out A Beautiful Mind and Gladiator, (two excellent flicks, and he was excellent in them), most of his movies are pretty much the same fucking character.

And the first thing I thought of when I saw the previews for Robin Hood was "Great... Gladiator with a bow and arrow...."

So fuck him.