An argument for CRT monitors

they are making flats with 120+ refresh. i use them at my company for 3-D collection. only reason we kept CRTs on our CAD systems was because of the lower refresh before. now it's not an issue.

reggs likes his CRT because if he's LARPing it makes a good blunt weapon.
a 4" screen at 12 inches is no different than a 60" at 10'

(ok i didn't quite do the math on that :))
i have 2 lcd monitors in my office that if i leave on long enough, they will heat up the room so i don't need to turn the heating on. it sucks in the summertime though
I wish we'd had LCD displays back in my lan party days. Lugging those fucking awkward 30-40lb CRTs was always the worst part of setup/breakdown, not to mention the room they took up in vehicles (although our stupidly tall towers weren't much better).
Pretty sure CRTs are the only type of viewing screen that can produce a real black color...

Bullshit...they can't. Ever seen a CRT that was on and displaying a black screen? It gives off light. Your "real black" doesn't give off light.

I'd argue LED TVs can produce the best blacks, as they can simply turn off the area.
Bullshit...they can't. Ever seen a CRT that was on and displaying a black screen? It gives off light. Your "real black" doesn't give off light.

I'd argue LED TVs can produce the best blacks, as they can simply turn off the area.

You know nothing of color reproduction on TVs. Please stop spewing your retardation.
DisplayMate Comparison Chart for CRTs versus LCDs

At this point in technology, LEDs are just overly bright so they look better, but are not. Eventually they will be on par with plasmas, but that's probably it until you get to huge sized AMOLED/OLED/whatever else