[143 wpm] One hundred and fourty three words per minute

Sorry if I don't conform to what you consider to be generally accepted social norms

I can type 143wpm and still fuck hot bitches on the daily

amazing isn't it?

My brother has his index finger of his right hand cut off, and can type 185 wpm.

Also, he's stupid as a post (we're both adopted).

I call bullshit

there's no way some [strike]seven fingered native american subjugated feather wearing tree worshipper[/strike] fag brother of yours can type 185wpm

ed- oh wait you're both adopted

so I guess I can't play the native angle
as a matter of fact i type 142wpm except that's with 100% accuracy

sorry obiloser :(

Well I type 143wpm with 100% accuracy and 145wpm with 98% accuracy

reading comprehension++

way to nerd lose at your own nerd game
Bitch needs some chapstick and a nose job, STAT!


you really suck at your own lies... and reading comprehension? :rofl:

oh i see you were trying to say the picture adjusted your skills at 143wpm with 100% acc..

that's not true, unless you can type anything with 100% accuracy, there's no argument here

automated adjustment doesn't count :ftard:
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Banned? So what Obi, I wouldn't be here anyways. Angry? lol you were the one threatening to come and fight me (Kangaroo style lol), you're the one who "lost it."

hai guis, no one gives a flying fuk what your typing speed is - let's just end this nerdfest now shall we?

The subject is:

Obi has gone 4 months without getting laid.
threatening to fight him.. rofl

I'm surprised he still believes I was being serious

but then again he is borderline autistic

and I really don't know where ellen gets his information either.. 4 months without getting laid? for serious? more like 5 days
type tests are stupid because they make you retype a phrase someone else has written. fuck that. You should be able to type whatever the fuck you want and have it calculate wpm. I type much faster when its my own thoughts.

 i typed this in about .4 seconds 
Obi can we get back to discussing that "hot" girl who is only moderately attractive at best? Us nerds who don't get laid try to live vicariously through your massive dong, and I gotta say I'm pretty disappointed at your standards in this case. 50wpm btw :\
yeah I can agree with that link, I'm the same way.

anyways bros it's time I rolled out so until tomorrow - keep it real nerds

and :lol: at typical nerd response "she's not attractive yo look at her chapped lips would NOT fuck"

it's textbook

alright peace it homeslices
I call bullshit

there's no way some [strike]seven fingered native american subjugated feather wearing tree worshipper[/strike] fag brother of yours can type 185wpm

ed- oh wait you're both adopted

so I guess I can't play the native angle

He's Irish. He does 185 with 9 fingers.
You were serious Obi, I pushed you into full-blown nerd-rage.

Why are you moving off the topic? Oh wait now you're leaving the thread.
