

creepy grandpa Joop
lmfao the international bawler of mystery is here

don't make fun of vanster or they are here like magic
he did talk a lot of shit tho i mean this is supposed to be a tw sanctioned duel and shit because of the amount of shit talked
1. vanster talks shit to havax for years about being better at t1
2. vanster takes a week to actually install the game because "my vpn"
3. vanster runs around in deathmatch like it's 1998 as I disc him in the face repeatedly
4. vanster backs down from havax and claims I'm choosing his opponent and the venue
5. butts

what am I missing
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what am I missing

A younger man's brain?

I haven't played in 10 years until tonight, just got out now. I'll set up a match for you, tell you what server you will play on, tell you who your opponent is, and I'll provide a streamer.

And no smurfing, cake boy. Play as Lemon or don't play. If you decline any of this you're backing down.

It's not your job to set up matches for anyone, and I'm a lot more confident than I was earlier this evening. If he and I duel, we will set it up, and you keep your wrinkled ass out of it. Stalker.
Tell you what, Gladys. I'll arrange a duel for you, tell you who you're going to duel, ask a person of my choosing to come in and stream it to the web. and if you don't accept, you're backing down.

I accept your offer.
arghs was rigged with preffered packet rates for preferred ppl

which is not the way anyone that wants to play preferred tribes should play

if u want an e-sport u cant be rigging ppls packet rates to a dial up level and setting urs to above the factory limit of the game

that's exactly whats going on now with the current crowd that pickup games t1 with same 10 losers every single day for years

and they all suck and don't let new ppl in

someone kick these fags in the nuts
I agree that Argh's feels like total dogshit and seems to have weird modifications like a nerf to the Plasma Rifle.

Also, it doesn't have DuelMap1. WTF?
It's true I did talk some shit, and intend to keep doing it. However, I'll make my own arrangements for settling this, and I don't need a creepy internet stalker to get into something that's none of his business.

I want him to stop following me around the internet. I want him to get a life of his own.