Gentlemen, Say hello to boxxy.


who is this? she looks familiar.
I'm way late in this thread, and I posted it in the last one..but she is obviously pretending to be crazy and weird to get a reaction. It is so obvious to me that it hurts... this is exactly how people act when they are trying to be all hyper and ADD like. Notice how all of her laughs are forced.

the sad part is you would have to spend 10-20 minutes per hour on 4chan every day to get the whole story. some people really have no lives

for the record though, i don't think 4chan is all that bad. sure 99% of the posts are worthless, unoriginal and unfunny recycled content (how many times can u post those pink faggot pokemon collages?? it's been done thousands of the times in the past 4 months if i'm estimating correctly).

but sometimes there's some shit there that makes me laugh my ass off and honestly it's way more frequently than tw due to the # of users on the site. there's just a lot of bullshit to wade through and i can understand why some people might think the site is retarded
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I find /b/ appealing because it seems to be anarchy and hates the people I hate.

But I truly feel that the internet is taking a bit of my sanity. Im finding it increasingly harder to interact with normal people, esp. with humor and general conversation. If I started going to /b/ I'd be hopeless, not good for a lawyer to be.