State of Tribes 2022

it cost them a whole guidestone to quash that result. the wages and whats wrought from rigging
just off the top of my head as i got banned again for the dang discord i made

probably need a new tribes talk discord as the community leadership is shit but tw works nicely

no one is gonna actually show up to this draft tourney

lk has bitch tits and is about as charismatic as a queer mormon
midair ripped a bunch of ppl off that paid for the kickstarter

no wonder theyre getting legally blocked from releasing their game
its a biden presidency no idea why fishstix wants trump stephen harper voters like rosco and lyon as admins of the entire series

o wait i do kno

kid is a fukin scammer
fishdix would rather try to squeeze every penny out of the tribes franchise than show any signs of loyalty to the og tribes community

hes a scam artist