The White House is Briefed: Phoenix About to Announce "Potential For Life" on Mars

Except not. Technologically they were doing things that we need modern technology to achieve. Some of the things they did we still can't do easily with heavy machinery

You're full of shit, you show me something that cant be moved using hydraulics and I'll show you a prime candidate for TNT.
So basically...

NASA finds more evidence about potential for life, which isnt controversial at all, and prepares a briefing for the President while they prepare their formal public reports.

Orbital doesnt understand that scientific discoveries arent reported instantly, so he declares this a secretive, corrupt conspiracy... as if news of "potential" life is controversial.

He then pretends everybody is unable to handle this groundbreaking event.
hey i have this hokey conspiracy theory video on youtube what should i do to add some credibility shit i know let's get some 'tallica up on this bitch
This is all moot now that america has collapsed, just like orbital predicted.

brb, burning my useless inflated fiat currency for warmth.
brb, burning my useless inflated fiat currency for warmth.

holy shit.

That's a good way to solve our energy problems, too. Of course, the US Treasury will only make money for the illuminati to burn because they are faggots like that.
.... Angels are 1 thing and God has said they are there so i believe it. I see no such thing about "Aliens" in the bible and there is no proof, no hard proof of aliens.

There are no aliens.

Let me just point something out....

You say God says there are angels. Did He personally show up and tell you? I would bet that you actually either read it in the Bible (written by man) or were told by a preacher of some sort (again, a man).

So if people like orbital are saying things like aliens and conspiracies and other such "implausibilities", how are they any different than some guys getting together and coming up with spooky stories (thank you George Carlin) to scare people into following them?

The fact is that until either God shows up or the mother ship does, it is ALL speculation and theories.

I would kinda like to see a ship show up with lizards...and then wait for the Bible's answer to that one.

Aliens dude, you really are out of your mind. Angels are 1 thing and God has said they are there so i believe it.

God said there are?

You seem to think God wrote the Bible. :lol:

Meanwhile, even the Vatican admits there could be life beyond earth...
Will someone explain to me the relevance of the colour difference? Because I don't get it.

Will someone explain to me the relevance of the colour difference? Because I don't get it.

Will someone explain to me the relevance of the colour difference? Because I don't get it.

Will someone explain to me the relevance of the colour difference? Because I don't get it.

Will someone explain to me the relevance of the colour difference? Because I don't get it.
My theory:

Orbital is a member of the new world order. He is a counter intelligence operative with the sole objective of numbing our minds to this crazy talk so one day when the time is right they can make their play for power and we will never see it coming.

Orby is both warning us about it and blinding us at the same time.

Wake up people, do not let him fool you.
what a crock of shit, if they found life there would be many many scientists in nasa who would just tell the fucking world, this shit they want to tell. Not ask the president if the religious zealots of the USA can handle life on another planet because they still think earth is a few thousand years old.
what aer colers??

orbital says we're being duped into thinking mars is the "red planet" because of what is basically some NASA photoshopping. he says mars is really just like earth: its warm, has plenty water, has tons of life, and really looks just like an Earth desert with blue skies and normal looking earth dirt.
orbital says we're being duped into thinking mars is the "red planet" because of what is basically some NASA photoshopping. he says mars is really just like earth: its warm, has plenty water, has tons of life, and really looks just like an Earth desert with blue skies and normal looking earth dirt.
He should take his argument up with the greeks.

Somehow they figured out Mars was red just by looking at it.
masons?! oh snap better call the experts!
The greeks were genetically manipulated by giant lizards from outer space so that they would have telescopic eyesight.