Uh lol

Well with the amount of threads that get locked (ie none) it's curiously surprising that my completely harmless one was for no real reason

I think the nerd rage is starting to seep into the admin tier of these forums
anyone else try shoving their fist in their asshole today? i mean i didnt try to today thinking about it, i was just casually scooping some extra poop out of my butthole, but eventually my whole fist was in there about 7 inches deep. i think i only pushed the poop further inside of me though :(
Come out damn you!

lot of ragers up in this thread

go figure

I'm curious to find out which admin is affected by the nerd rage virus though

this is like 28 days later except 10x more pathetic
your desperate cries for attention have just gotten on their nerves

interesting that my "desperate cries for attention" would stand out among the other dozens of "desperate cries for attention" on this forum, many of which are far more "desperate"

The only logical solution is nerd rage jealousy, a cause I have been championing against for many years

but let's face it that's just using logic and common sense. why else would I be singled out among dozens if not hundreds of potential people

is it because I make fun of angry nerds on the internet with enormous e-egos?

interesting that my "desperate cries for attention" would stand out among the other dozens of "desperate cries for attention" on this forum, many of which are far more "desperate"

At least we agree that you're desperate for attention
At least we agree that you're desperate for attention

yeah bro so desperate

did I mention more attractive girls have talked to me in the past, oh say, four days, then you've likely ever had talk to you in your life

how does it make you feel to know you are a miserable failure of a heterosexual male bro