Manly shit

I have the Taurus 738 TCP with laser on it. Very nice, if you have a good grip the laser comes on.

Nice. Love the form factor on these little fuckers. Hope this little Chinese pea shooter doesn't just explode in my hand at some point
That Ruger is Chineesium?

I do wish mine was 2x stack though. 6+1 isn't much.

I know they source some shit there. The little label on the sleeve says made in China. The gun? I mean, I could write to Ruger to find out by serial number. But then again, whatever. I like to by US made when possible but if it's a US company selling a product they stand behind, I'll accept that.

Ahhh yes. The manly art of pipe smoking. No, not that pipe. Tobacco.
I love to puff on a nice bowl of some manly tobacco like "Buttered Rum" ;)

And, Nording pipes are a decent brand out of Denmark. I have a Valhala 506 like the one above.
My great gramps was all into pipes. He didn't have just one. He had kind of like a mini humidor, copper lined, had a rotating selection of pipes
I love the wood pipe looks
but i'm staying away from tobacco to prove that pot doesn't give you lung cancer
... so far it's been a long term study
Manly is being correct.
Teacher addresses a student and asks: “How many kidneys do we have?"

“Four!", The student responds.

“Four? Haha,” The teacher was one of those who took pleasure in picking on his students' mistakes and demoralizing them.

“Bring a bundle of grass, because we have an ass in the room," the teacher orders a front bencher.

“And for me a coffee!”, the student added.

The teacher was furious and expelled the student from the room.

The student was, by the way, the humorist Aparicio Torelly Aporelly (1895-1971), better known as the "Baron de Itararé".

On his way out of the classroom, the student still had the audacity to correct the furious teacher:

"You asked me how many kidneys ‘we have’. We have four: two of mine and two of yours. ‘We have’ is an expression used for the plural. Enjoy the grass.”
I found a cool hat that has quickly become a fave...

Made from old canvas truck tops in Brazil.
Then I found out where I'd seen it before...