[Dubai][lol]Worlds tallest tower closes

Let me guess, you're interning an Construction Management degree at Turner? You seem to be in construction dreamland.

Engineers and Architects are involved well before the steel hits a site. I've rarely, if ever seen a P.E. on a job site. His ass is covered by his design, not an erectors installation. No one signs off on shit anymore, you can't even get "Approved" drawings from an Architect, only "reviewed".

The engineers are (should be) there from day one. Whether its THE engineers who drafted the project or engineer consultants is a different story, but they're engineers nonetheless... and if they fuck up something major, its their asses on the line.

Most larger projects I've worked on, me and my guys have been on site from the time the steel starts going up to the time the painters are leaving the building and occupancy permits are being issued. Every step along the way we have consulting engineers breathing down our necks making sure the work is being done per spec. Numerous times we've had to take down work already done in order to satisfy their demands.

Maybe its different where you work, who knows. But up here at least, important things are done as per spec... and there are always engineers on the site at LEAST once or twice a week to check up on the work. Its their job and their name on the line. I can only assume that giants like SOM and Turner aren't going to ever risk a project as large as the Burj Dubai failing in any significant way due to poor design or construction.
maybe he should watch more "Holmes on Homes"

You fuckin kidding me? Residential construction and reno is a joke.. :rolleyes: step away from the thread and go watch some HGTV. Nobody gives a shit if Joe the architect's house falls down, we're talking about skyscrapers here.
Are you doing government work? Sounds like Corp of Engineers work.

The only government funded work we do is new schools, the rest is private highrise construction. They're adamant, and the people running the jobs are generally very responsible individuals who stay on top of their shit. That has been my experience.

Everybody cuts corners, but I've yet to hear of a major building needing to be shut down because of shoddy workmanship or poor design. Shit happens, but whens the last time a highrise just fell over for no reason? (using extremes here, duh, but whatever)
Arabs cant make anything work right. They will be roaming the open sands cutting each other's heads off in 50 years.