

Veteran X
New to this sub-forum, just wanted to see if there are any vegetarians.

I've seen some good recipes, but I wanted to talk about nutrition and sustenance, getting a balanced diet, and so on.
Your name is ironic given the subject matter of vegetarianism. I'd go veggie, but I fucking hate most vegetables.
It's not extreme at all. Plenty of cultures/people have lived primarily as vegetarians for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years.

It's only in the past hundred years or so that we've seen the consumption of animals become a factory-driven exploitation. If you have no conscience, then I guess you don't care about the vile, shaming-the-human-name kind of treatment they give to factory animals. I don't know, maybe you can taste the torture and you like it.

BadMofo how long have you been? I loved meat until a year ago, now I can't go back.
What are your staples? I just eat a lot of beans, grains, nuts, veggies, fruits, soy, take a multivitamin etc.
It's not extreme at all. Plenty of cultures/people have lived primarily as vegetarians for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years.

ok can you name them

preferably with linked sources

If you have no conscience, then I guess you don't care about the vile, shaming-the-human-name kind of treatment they give to factory animals. I don't know, maybe you can taste the torture and you like it.

this is what separates normal vegetarians from huge douches

can you tell which one you are
Animals aren't people. Don't treat them as such.

It's not extreme at all. Plenty of cultures/people have lived primarily as vegetarians for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years.

It's only in the past hundred years or so that we've seen the consumption of animals become a factory-driven exploitation. If you have no conscience, then I guess you don't care about the vile, shaming-the-human-name kind of treatment they give to factory animals. I don't know, maybe you can taste the torture and you like it.

BadMofo how long have you been? I loved meat until a year ago, now I can't go back.
What are your staples? I just eat a lot of beans, grains, nuts, veggies, fruits, soy, take a multivitamin etc.

The design of the human mouth and digestive tract clearly shows we evolved as omnivores.

Eat meat, and if it helps, imagine that the chicken you are eating is the same fucker that pecked your face as a kid.
why don't you faggots keep your trolling in gd where it belongs?

vegetarians live longer, healthier lives than meat eaters do.
lower cholesterol
lower fat indexes
lower chance of heart disease and cancer

so shut the fuck up
If you have no conscience, then I guess you don't care about the vile, shaming-the-human-name kind of treatment they give to factory animals. I don't know, maybe you can taste the torture and you like it.

im assuming by trolling badmofof is referencing this post
Wow BoFo who would have thought you wearing your ballerina tutu would make you so sensitive you fucking vegetarian faggot.

Vegetarians are always sicker, less energy, suffer multiple deficiency disorders and develop an ego that rivals a militant muslim. Being a vegetarian is like being a terrorist. If you don't want to be a terrorist, eat meat.
i couldn't care less what someone wants or doesn't want to eat

i have a number of vegetarians and vegans as friends or in my family

not a single one of them is the kind of douche who turns it into a crusade or a reason to be self-important, which is why i enjoy coming up with meatless things to make for them
It's not extreme at all. Plenty of cultures/people have lived primarily as vegetarians for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years.
You are being less than honest here; agriculture just hasn’t been around that long. The first rudimentary plow is maybe 5000 years old. Sure there weren’t as many people on the earth to feed as there is now, and that’s a good thing because with ancient farming practices you just couldn’t feed that many people.
So as far as long practitioners of vegetarianism; I guess Hindus would be one of the longest practicing groups with a sizable population, and history to track. 2500 years sound fair to you? The problem is they don’t really practice vegetarianism, not that they don’t try, they just can’t. Sanitation is their problem, along with bathing in that filthy river every day; they eat a lot of bugs. They accidentally ingest so many bugs in their diet that it forms a complete protein. Although we have a few grass hoppers and ants ground up in our cheerios, sadly just not enough, so American vegetarian’s need supplements to survive.
Personally I think ancient man ate a lot of plants, and anything else he could get his hands on, and that’s how our digestive system evolved. I think it’s a bit extreme to flip a switch and go to an all plant diet only, but whatever floats your boat.

It's only in the past hundred years or so that we've seen the consumption of animals become a factory-driven exploitation. If you have no conscience, then I guess you don't care about the vile, shaming-the-human-name kind of treatment they give to factory animals. I don't know, maybe you can taste the torture and you like it.
If animal rights are your thing then good for you; just please don’t tell me vegetarianism is the only answer to combat factory farming. There is a large movement in this country looking for an alternative to this problem. I have helped build five chicken coops in my middle class neighborhood in the last couple of years. I have purchased two irrigated acres for my son’s 4-h project. His steer will be grass fed, brushed and massaged daily, then eaten.
BadMofo how long have you been? I loved meat until a year ago, now I can't go back.
What are your staples? I just eat a lot of beans, grains, nuts, veggies, fruits, soy, take a multivitamin etc.
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