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how to the meds make you feel when put into a situation where before you would puke your guts out with stress? do you just care less, or does it make you realize you're being irrational and etc

to be honest I don't notice the meds. Maybe placebo effect if anything. I am just more mindful of my emotions and I use CBT skills and activities. I used to do my hobbies when I felt stressed... now I do them scheduled regardless of how I feel. It helps but sometimes I lose the battle.. I win most days though
i guess they teach how to suck dick in crazy lunatic asylum places. killjoy, confirm, did they teach you to suck good dick?
i guess they teach how to suck dick in crazy lunatic asylum places. killjoy, confirm, did they teach you to suck good dick?

never sucked a dick.. met a model.. was very very attracted to her so I can't be her friend

met a lot of famous people actually
you must have gotten a lot of CBT if you are on so little meds and had such a serious panic disorder. how come you don't have any benzos in case of emergency