Tribes : Ascend

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what I have played of Firefall, it didn't really feel like Tribes at all (maybe a tiny bit). Felt more like TF2

I havent played it, but after the interviews, and having 2 Original Tribes guys involved it makes sense. They didnt make skiing for tribes. Firefall to me looks like T1 pre-skiing turned into an MMO with newer graphix. To have the devs allude to the same thing makes it fairly apparent. Are their monumental differences, sure. its an MMO and 13 years later. But the basis of the movement, flexibility of "Class/Loadout system" Jetpacks, etc remind me of it.
I have a feeling it will feel a lot more like Tribes without skiing once they release the inventory stuff (at PAX you could only change battleframes , nothing else) and some type of objective PVP mode
Good point Haggis. I have a feeling when tyou see TDM (arena) and Standard CTF gameplay in some form of Arena in FF, it will feel much closer. But without skiing, it wont quench that need.

I plan on playing both.
the one weird thing about firefall is you don't get a point until you execute execute someone you have to down them (they will be on the ground calling for a medic) then someone has to walk up to them and press and hold the E key to perform an execute points until this happens. wasn't completely sold on that. but it's still early. it seems very solid for being so early.
I hope FireFall is more like Tribes than what you guys are saying. I have absolutely no hope for this Tribes:Ascend piece of console shit.
I'm pretty excited for T:A. I watched the trailer again and it's pretty damn epic even the second time. Gives me shivers down my spine.

Hi-rez seems was more into the project than Irrational ever was.
Oh, well you're wrong there. I'll make sure I write some hacks, and at least write the server crashing code. I can't stop the tradition just because this game's a piece of shit.
I hope FireFall is more like Tribes than what you guys are saying. I have absolutely no hope for this Tribes:Ascend piece of console shit.

You fucking idiot.

You know next to nothing about either game, but you are going to smear you panty waste all over the place becasue they mention 'console'. Get a life yo worthless piece of shit.
You fucking idiot.

You know next to nothing about either game, but you are going to smear you panty waste all over the place becasue they mention 'console'. Get a life yo worthless piece of shit.

It's okay, I'm entitled to my opinion which will be validated in short order. I'll eat my words if I'm wrong, but I'm batting a 1.0 ( was right about Legions and T:V ) so you can kindly shut the fuck up you worthless twat - btw sorry I don't know who the fuck you are.
This is unrelated to OP, but I got a chance to play FireFall at PAX East, and talked to CornBoy, Colosus, etc in some detail about the game.

WARNING: IT IS NOT TRIBES 1, 2 or VENGEANCE. Yes, you have jetpacks, and the assault class has something sort of like a disc launcher - the jetting physics even felt somewhat similar to Tribes 1. However, the game types, map layouts, and physics (no skiing) make it a completely different game. Don't get your hopes up if you're looking for Tribes.

I didn't get a chance to play around with it for extended periods of time, but from what I could tell the gameplay was quite simple and straight-forward, it just didn't feel like it had a very high skill ceiling. This assumption is by all standards premature, but that's just the sense I got. I hope I can be proved wrong.

Talking to CornBoy, he reiterated over and over that this is essentially his dream game, what he would have liked Tribes to be in the first place. Even though it exhibits MMO-like qualities, they assured me calling it an MMO was wrong as its not based of quests and item collecting, more dynamic. PvP seems to be a big focus.
Here's another "Tribes" like game without skiing and a mishmash of other games, it's not free2play but you're only paying $15 once and not a bunch of micro-transactions.

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