One Year of Struggle - December 23, 2023 - Dynamix's Starsiege: TRIBES


Veteran XX

Soon, we will experience a milestone together.

Soon, we will fulfill a promise to those who left us.

Soon, we will unify a community shattered into a thousand pieces and scattered into the wind.

On December 23rd, 2023, a quarter century is ours. The Spirit of TRIBES cannot be denied.

I have seen it with my own eyes and heard with it with my own ears. I have felt it in my heart and witnessed it beyond any doubt. What once was will be again.

Over 25 years, time has the power to separate, yet we always found each other, born of the same breath, meeting for one purpose: Team Combat on an Epic Scale. What was once lost is now found.

My friends, I ask each of you to reach far and wide, to knock on every door, to sing from every open window, to shout into every empty space, Starsiege: TRIBES will rise again!

We will find those long forgotten, we will bring cherished memories to the front of our minds, and we will love this cornerstone of our lives once more.

Our Spirit burns on this hallowed ground.

One year of struggle begins now!
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I check in on tribes base and tribes2 all the time, empty servers except bots. Tribes Ascend I still can find people on, so I play that now.

Love me a jet pack, mortar and disc launcher
I want to play tribe but server always empty.

We need annual xmas day open pub. None of this attempt at being competitive and picking teams bullshit.
Just get ChatGPT to write a better skiing algorithm and then get it to code a whole new Tribes game.
When I play, it’s usually right after work a few minutes, after 8 I’m not on pc. Last night I watched the Bruins beat the Jets