Another school shooting


Veteran XX
Fourteen elementary school kids dead, one teacher, one 18 year old shooter + his grandma.
Something like another 16 kids and a staff member wounded.

Good times.
before i form an opinion about the death of innocent children i will need a complete racial makeup and family tree for all those involved
rude jokes aside.... i heard the person was wanted for murder and through a chase or something like that, ended up in the school and went nuts on... kids. WTF?

I also heard illegal alien
Apparently he also killed his grandparents.

Shooter was an insane/murderous tranny Latinx so despite the high body count I expect this one will fade from memory within a week. Doesn't fit the narrative. But I won't put it past CNN to try and paint him as a HU-WYTE SUPREMACIST! through their usual clumsy manipulation.
That must've been what led to the initial "wanted for murder" I read/heard about earlier.

An unconfirmed report is that he was on his way to his High School to kill the people who were bullying him. Border patrol was close by and got into a chase, he then went to the elementary school, and the rest is history.
it takes a special someone to want to kill kids

The only thing that can stop this is to have security at these schools. Kids can draw pictures of the man in the hallway who protects them all. It's an upgrade from a crossing guard
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and so we learned an important lesson about trans acceptance

haha j/k, chuds never learn anything

Fuck all tranny scum. 41% suicide rate means they are a mostly self-correcting error, but the rest can, and should, be purged from existence as far as I'm concerned.