OK gun mentalists........

if there was a gun registry, no one would register existing ones. nobody. what exactly would it accomplish other than making gun owners criminals?
When the long gun registry came into effect in the early 90s in Canada, there was massive non-compliance amongst gun owners. Same with licensing. For obvious reasons its hard to come up with hard numbers, but I believe the government was guessing roughly 50% of owners never bothered getting licenses and registering their firearms.

Its funny to hear an American gun owner advocate for licensing and registration, when Canadian gun owners are fighting tooth and nail against that very thing. You need to recognize that once you've agreed to licensing and registration, your freedom to own a firearm is effectively gone.

Just recently the RCMP randomly decided to prohibit all CZ 858 and Swiss Arms rifles... overnight, with no warning. Owners of these guns are now in possession of prohibited firearms which are effectively very expensive paperweights. They can't sell them, they can't shoot them, they can't take them out of their homes. Luckily the outcry was big enough that the conservative government threw in an amnesty against criminal charges for 2 years until the issue gets looked at more closely. That's just one random example of what you're asking for loucypher
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if there was a gun registry, no one would register existing ones. nobody.
I wish I were so certain of making absolute conclusions based on scenarios that haven't happened yet.

When has a law requiring a change in regulation not grandfathered in those not in compliance before the law took effect?
btw, u peep replying seriously to my obnoxious troll post are dumb. i hate trolls, and almost never do it myself, except jokingly to show how obnoxious some retards logic is
Gun grabbers salivate at the idea of registration and licensing. That's the foundation for all their future efforts to disarm you completely.

And some dumb fuck gun owners like lou are so stupid they actually repeat the gun grabber lies (74 school shootings) and go along with their ideas.
I wish I were so certain of making absolute conclusions based on scenarios that haven't happened yet.

When has a law requiring a change in regulation not grandfathered in those not in compliance before the law took effect?

Boy, you really haven't been paying much attention to gun control efforts lately, have you?
And some dumb fuck gun owners like lou are so stupid they actually repeat the gun grabber lies (74 school shootings) and go along with their ideas.
You could click on the pins and see every detail about who was shot and where, with news articles, but you don't. I'm supposed to do it for you, but even if I did you'd still insist it's all made up.
Ugh just Google it you moron. Its not made up, they're just not all 'school shootings'

If a guy kills himself in the parking lot of a school at 3am, is it a school shooting? No, it isn't. But the fucking gun grabbers behind that stat count it anyway.

Fuck me.
Ugh just Google it you moron.

Are you really incapable of zooming in with your scroll wheel and clicking a pin? If you're that incompetent operating a computer then god forbid someone like you get their hands on a firearm.
If a guy kills himself in the parking lot of a school at 3am, is it a school shooting? No, it isn't. But the fucking gun grabbers behind that stat count it anyway.
Find a single instance on that map that wasn't during school hours, on school property. There are 74 potential errors, surely a person as capable as yourself can find one.
LOL you dumb piece of shit

•*Incidents such as Sandy Hook or Columbine in which the shooter intended to commit mass murder: 10 instances

•*Incidents related to criminal activity (such as drug dealing or robbery), or personal altercations: 39 instances

•*Incidents unconnected to members of school community and/or that took place outside school hours: 16 instances

•*Suicides:*6 instances

•*Accidental discharges:*3 instances
You know you're not proving your point, right?

A "school shooting" happens when someone, anyone, gets shot at a school. You're arguing it doesn't meet your criteria for a "school shooting" because a gunman didn't enter the campus with the intention of massacring a classroom full of kids.

So when a student just shoots one other student, or accidentally shoots himself, it doesn't count. Right...