[Official] New League of Legends MEGATHREAD

Last 2 weeks I've lost 90% of the games ive played. I now have more losses than wins and its fucking annoying.
either the matchmaking algorithm has a personal grudge with you and is intentionally putting lower elo noobs on your team (despite avg elos being equal both sides) oorrrr.....
either the matchmaking algorithm has a personal grudge with you and is intentionally putting lower elo noobs on your team (despite avg elos being equal both sides) oorrrr.....

I'm not THAT bad. 1400~ elo last 2 seasons with hundreds of games played. My normals now sitting at I believe 20~ games losed over wins.

I slightly blame me playing a ton more champions than I ever have. I used to stick with a solid 8-12 champs, now its like a new one every match. Also oddly I have noticed a lot less shit talkers and a few more terribles.
i've been having bad luck when i queue up with 2 or 3 people... i've also been playing super terribly lately. no idea.
I'm not THAT bad. 1400~ elo last 2 seasons with hundreds of games played. My normals now sitting at I believe 20~ games losed over wins.

I slightly blame me playing a ton more champions than I ever have. I used to stick with a solid 8-12 champs, now its like a new one every match. Also oddly I have noticed a lot less shit talkers and a few more terribles.

dont play new champs in ranked then. you will lose... people who think they can play any/all champs equally well are deluded. all top players all have their small selection of their best champs.
dont play new champs in ranked then. you will lose... people who think they can play any/all champs equally well are deluded. all top players all have their small selection of their best champs.

I dont play new ones in ranked. I've only played 1-2 ranked games this preseason. Have only been playing normals since a few weeks before the season ended.
lol so messing around with normals, went heca with boots of mobi, homeguard, revive, tele. My dmg went up to 500+ with only 2 items, no bonus ad, from base 113 and not max level. lol silly. zoooooom I was laughing too hard to see how fast I was actually going because of my visual speed going on.
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