How come there's no girls on this forum

You're a fucking moron if you think the vast majority of this forum is complete anti-social losers who never leave the house. Sure, you can probably name a couple of people that don't get out much or seemingly have many friends, but for every one of those there are a multitude of others that have girlfriends, wives, and perfectly normal lives. I think you're the one that needs a dose of reality.

the only thing funnier than how incredibly awkward and creepy taxi is

are people who talk to him like anything they say gets through the greasy wall of stupidity he calls a face
Sorry niga, you know I generally post the same way towards everyone on the forum regardless of who it is. I can't help it if the target doesn't have common sense or the ability to make rational decisions. :shrug:
Don't you complain and bitch and whine and ask the question "Why do I post here?" on a weekly basis, then threaten to leave but never do?
Guys leave Failtaxi alone, he knows social life, he had a very successful date and made a threa.... oh wait
im still getting over the idea of someone being upset there arent more girls to talk to on tribalwar

thats what this is right
guy: hey I found a cool game that we can install on multiple machines because the devs waved their hands in the care because they just dont care.
girl: cool, is it mario party?
guy: uh,'s called Tribes
girl: whats a trives?
Failtaxi had to leave this thread to return to his busy social life
