Hello TW people.. Long Time No Talk

the best way to get back at him is to fuck as many people on TW as you can.

I'd recommend starting with the women.

he'll get totally jealous and want you back.
obviously we're at level orange

BooHoo I haven't posted in these forums in years so rather than highlight any positive I must post all about stuff to make ppl feel sorry for meh!
Hi Stoney, break ups are heart-breaking, but there is still plenty of people there who may be even better.

I hope you post here more.... =)
Silly lady, straws can't break camels back

on side note, there are drugs that came help you. And i meant prescription.
How much does a psychical toll cost?

Srsly, if you wanna get back with him, quit talking so goddamn much. All womens talk too goddamn much. You wracked his nerves. Also, you were fat!
Sucks you broke up with a guy named "stoner", and your username is still Stonestress.

But, good luck!