hola from colombia

Can we please quit promoting the idea that you have to be some sort of movie star casanova in order to have sex with a girl (even a decent looking one)?

If that were the case the entire South wouldn't exist and we probably would've died out as a species. Between alcohol and how easy it is to trick a girl into fucking you, pretty much anyone who is physically capable of sex (aka not DrJonez) can/will/does get laid.
judging on a picture of me that's 7 years old this summer.

Do you look anything like the jer that was holding up the tribes cd case?

i rest my fucking case.

umm i saw pictures of u at badmofo's bbq thing

you're fuckin busted
the entire "girls i've fucked" thread was a fucking troll anyway. I've been pretty much married for 5 years. A few tribers know this and i've posted it.
I didn't believe you fucked any of those girls, I just believed you stalked chicks on Myspace then posted their picture.
i've went to high school with a lot, i found a few just browsing or friends have linked me. I really only myspace to stay in touch with friends that have moved far away to make plans for get togethers.

the pictures of me are about 7 years old. Anyone brave enough to post pics of them 7 years ago and now?